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Israeli agritech firms show growing interest in Chinese market

Israeli agritech firms show growing interest in Chinese market… [Know More]

Hunan Comprehensive Area

Hunan Agricultural Comprehensive Area… [Know More]

Agricultural Products Sales Area

High quality agricultural products sales area… [Know More]

Agricultural Comprehensive Supporting Area

Agricultural comprehensive supporting area… [Know More]

Agricultural Equipment Show Area

Outdoor modern agricultural equipment exhibition area… [Know More]

Taiwan Straits Agricultural Hall

Agricultural cooperation exhibition area between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits… [Know More]

TOP 100 Agricultural Brands

Regional public brand exhibition area of China's top 100 agricultural products… [Know More]

Poverty alleviation area

agricultural Poverty alleviation area… [Know More]

International Pavilion

International Pavilion to show all agricultural products, materials, technology, equipment, tools as well as food and be…… [Know More]

Agricultural Sectors Show Area

Agricultural Sectors exhibition area… [Know More]

Provincial Comprehensive Hall

Provincial (District, city) comprehensive exhibition area… [Know More]

Rural Revitalization Hall

Rural Revitalization Hall… [Know More]

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VisitorsVisitor Center

Trade visitors Invite target visitors through all kinds of channels according to the exhibitors'conditions. Chinese and neighboring countries' producers, traders, importers, wholesalers, agents, investors, dealers and other professional organizations; purchasers from agricultural product wholesale market, chain supermarket, etc.


Trade visitors Invite target visitors through all kinds of channels according to the exhibitors…

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